Ball of Nothing - Chapter 151

Chapter 151

It wasn't as easy for Jevy 2 . 0 to form a bond with Zero as compared to Venn 2 . 0 and Gugu 2 . 0 . The green mist cloud had already failed to tempt Zero twice . Duu 2 . 0 didn't offer any advice to her . For someone like Jevy 2 . 0 who didn't know the meaning of defeat, offering her help would only look like an insult .

Zero felt tired . It was the same kind of sleepiness that took over him especially after eating so much . He knew that Jevy was doing her best but at the moment, the doctor-to-be wanted nothing more than to curl up and snooze .

Slightly disheartened and utterly vexed, Jevy 2 . 0 decided to back off and re-strategise . In terms of passion, Jevy 2 . 0 was confident that she would lose to Venn 2 . 0 or her twin brother's fragment . In fact, she was known to be one of the more aggressively passionate Divine Entities .

Truth be told, she didn't have the slightest clue about what she should be doing to form a bond with Zero . She didn't know anything about the young doctor . Even Solo was somewhat like a stranger to her . For Jevy 2 . 0, she didn't care about anyone around her . She was always too busy increasing her collection and working to become closer to perfection .

Zero felt someone prying into his mind but was too tired at the moment to bother . Jevy 2 . 0 took this opportunity to steal a peek into Zero's memories . She was dismayed to find that there wasn't much to work with . However, she managed to find something that she could work with .

Unlike Anger and Greed that is more commonly experienced by the munchkin, Jealousy isn't something very familiar to him . Zero has very little desires apart from the hunger for knowledge . While Greed and Jealousy were born from the same source, their interests greatly differed . The desire for physical possession wasn't the same as the desire for better quality or dissatisfaction with oneself . Zero didn't have much to begin with and those who have not want not .

If there was one thing Zero was dissatisfied about himself, it would be that one thing .

Yes, Zero had a height complex . Jevy 2 . 0 smirked to herself . The young doctor wished he was as tall and elegant as Truen sometimes . There were even instances that Zero read up about magic to accelerate one's growth . Needless to say, whatever magic Zero tried to use failed miserably . One does not simply alter the body gifted by the Great Gods with mere magic .

Speaking of complexes, there were more . Jevy 2 . 0 couldn't believe what she was finding .

"The fact that he isn't 'normal' bothers him . . . He envies people who can speak their minds freely like Clowis and Vrald . Zero wishes he was smarter too . . . wait, are you serious?"

The green mist cloud was perplexed . Just when she didn't think her digging would prove useful, one thing led to another .

Duu 2 . 0 listened to Jevy 2 . 0 fumble through Zero's memories and hold a conversation with herself . He sighed . Leave it to Zero to complicate matters . Anyone could tell that the kid would be insecure . Imagine being thrown to an entirely new place without memories or knowledge about how the world worked . In his opinion, Zero was doing rather well in adapting to the situation and finding himself .

"What? I can't believe this exists . How can you be jealous of somebody else's ability to be lazy? Baal isn't even a good role model, why do you aspire to be as useless as him? He doesn't clean his castle because he doesn't want to, not because he doesn't need to . Also, it's ridiculous to be jealous about the amount of time adults are allowed to stay past your bedtime curfew . You're technically a child . . . "

Zero frowned in irritation at Jevy 2 . 0's non-stop complaints about his personal opinions . Who cared if he envied how plants didn't need to open their mouths to drink water? It was his personal opinion and thoughts about the matter . He envied the animals for their ability to walk around without clothes for obvious reasons . Jevy doesn't have to prod at that fact with a stick to check if it was dead or alive . Her incessant comments about other people's matters made Zero wake up . He was no longer in the mood for a nap .

Duu 2 . 0 pretended not to notice the drastic change in mood . As the atmosphere soured, Jevy 2 . 0 grew quieter . The tension in the air got so thick at one point and the Divine Fragment of Jealousy completely stopped talking . Perhaps, she'd gone too far .

"Are you quite done yet? I'm trying to sleep . "

Jevy 2 . 0 blink . She didn't know if her strategy would work in the first place . Imagine her surprise when it did . Then again, it was too soon to celebrate . Zero needed a few more shoves to completely sync with her emotions before they could forge a bond .

Playing the role of an obnoxious woman, Jevy 2 . 0 continued to point out all of Zero's flaws and insecurities . When everything Zero tried so desperately to keep in the dark came to light, he gave up . Who cared if he didn't know how to lie? Zero wasn't even going to bother trying at this point . The damage was too extensive .

"Yes! I have issues with everything that you just mentioned . Is there a problem?"

Jevy 2 . 0 watched as Zero's eyes widened ablaze with fury . Just a little bit more before she could slither her way into his mind and heart .

"Of course not, why would I? I'm just saying that you're not perfect . It's completely fine to feel that way . Besides, isn't it just silly to think that only special people can have special things? If you want something, I think you should simply take it . "

Zero was about to agree with her but paused when he repeated that statement in his mind .

"No," he said, calmer this time . "You're wrong . I'm not going to take what I want from others like you . It's not considerate and it doesn't belong to me . "

Jevy 2 . 0 rolled her non-existent eyes and circled Zero . "Yes, you do . You made this world so everything in it belongs to you . You want to be taller, find a new body with the height you like and chase the soul away . If you're being generous, give the poor soul your old body . If you want people to be more accepting of you at the village, speak up . Nobody is stopping you from saying what's on your mind . "

Zero thought about it carefully . Jevy 2 . 0 wasn't lying . In fact, that sounded perfect! There was only one tiny problem . Zero didn't feel like he could understand Jevy 2 . 0 . He couldn't sync with her or form a bond even though they agreed . There was still something missing but he didn't know what that was .

"Your thoughts are aligned but your hearts aren't," Duu 2 . 0 yawned . Sitting in a corner for so long got boring quickly . Unfortunately, he still had a duty to fulfil and sleep was out of the question .

"Our hearts are not aligned?" Jevy 2 . 0 echoed .

"Sure, there may be many things that Zero wants and envies others for . However, you're not taking time to understand Zero as an individual . You'll never be able to match each other . Technically, Zero is supposed to work to earn our recognition before inheriting our powers . However, both you and I know the truth . There isn't much time left . Stop dallying and quickly give him what he wants to know already!"

The green mist cloud stilled and Zero blinked . What were they going on about?

"I understand . Solo . . . it's about Solo isn't it?" Jevy 2 . 0 asked the stunned brunet .

"You are jealous that Solo is so far ahead of you and that you have a lot to catch up with . You wish that you could swap places with him . "

Zero didn't answer this time . He wasn't quite sure if that was what he truly wanted . When he first inherited the memory of his time in the void from the Great Gods, Zero wanted to experience creating something too . Unfortunately, his gift was meant for taking and not giving . Hence Zero thought that the best way to give back to this world was to take away sufferings . In a way, he was jealous of Solo's ability to bring forth precious things endlessly . Zero too wanted to be the one to create this beautiful world despite how flawed it was .

Zero fell solemn for a while and Duu 2 . 0 wished Jevy 2 . 0 good luck . It wouldn't be long before those two synced with each other . Knowing Zero, he would understand it very quickly . The munchkin may have lost his memories but not his wisdom . As the creator of the multiverse, he had an extraordinary mindset that not even Divine Entities could understand .

It wasn't unusual for Solo to change his mind when you least expect it . Nobody can come to understand his thought process sometimes . The Great One was known to create dozens of dimensions only to tear them down the very next moment to create something grander . Lives meant little to the Great One and only beauty did . Duu 2 . 0 didn't want to tell Zero this yet . He would find out once he meets the actual Divine Entity of Laziness . For now, the blue mist cloud watched as Zero devoured Jevy 2 . 0's energy .

Sighing, Duu 2 . 0 started to pound on the seal that contained him . Mii and Bob did a decent job designing such a complex seal in such a short time . While Venn and the rest decided to use brute force to break through it, Duu had been observing how the seal was designed while they fought . It didn't take him long to find a way to escape . Only, it took too much effort so he didn't bother attempting .

Now that Zero was almost stabilised, it was his turn .

His objective was simple . In order for Zero to not undergo too much of a mental growth spurt and personality change, Duu would bring forth some of the more mundane wisdom to entice Zero before merging with him .

"Are you ready?" he asked Zero who nodded with a small smile . Now that the noisy ones were finally gone, Duu 2 . 0 allowed himself to relax more . Zero was immediately comforted by Duu 2 . 0's presence that felt very much like Baal's .

"Let's do this," he told the blue mist cloud and Duu 2 . 0 wasted no time .

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