Apparent Expert in an Alternate World - Chapter 7

Translator: Henyee Translations

Editor: Henyee Translations

A magic sword for melee attacks? No way! Chu Nan shook his head. He was not Wu Song, who was capable of killing a tiger with his bare hands. Close fights did provide an adrenline rush, but he could very easily lose his life if he messed up. Not to mention, what if one of his limbs was bitten off during a fight? Even a heaven-grade healing potion wouldn’t be able to grow another arm, right?

A long-ranged weapon like a javelin? Hmm, it lacks strength! Magic bow? Chu Nan revealed a bitter smile. He had once played archery games in amusement parks back on Earth. After spending ten bucks, none of the ten arrows had hit the target, so a bow would have no use other than to look good if he were to craft one.

Amusement park archery? Chu Nan laughed and smacked his head. “Why was I so dumb! There’s not only archery at amusement parks but also games that involve shooting balloons! Wouldn’t it be fine if I were to craft a magic gun? Moreover, there was also a profession in where dwarves used guns. Isn’t a gun the best choice?”

After he decided on the type of weapon he wanted to craft, he started searching through the spatial bracelet for raw materials to craft a magic gun.

A magic gun was simply a device that could extract a certain type of solidified energy and, coupled with the transformation of a magic array, it would turn into a magic weapon that could fire magic attacks. To some extent, it was rather similar to the magic ring.

Magical beast crystals and cores were usually the power source of magic guns in , with different guns equipped with different crystals and cores. After the energy within the crystals or cores was fully extracted, a player would have to purchase the corresponding crystals or cores to continue using the gun.

Inside this forest where strange beasts could jump out at any time, Chu Nan did not wish to encounter a situation where he ran out of ammo in a fight. Therefore, he simply selected a frost dragon’s crystal as the energy source of the magic gun.

Dragon crystals were larger than ordinary magic beast crystals and cores and were around the size of a palm. As a result, it would be impossible for it to be used as an energy supply in common magic guns.

After he pondered for a moment, the image of the gun he wanted gradually surfaced in his mind.

The Alchemy King’s soul flame gently danced around his palm, and after he placed the steel knife into it, the dangerously sharp knife had quickly melted into a puddle of liquid metal.

Diagrams of magic arrays appeared in his mind and he was shocked by the sudden images.

Crafting a magic weapon in would not result in the appearance of magic array diagrams, and the item produced was entirely based on luck.

If they were lucky, then the weapon would be good and if they were unlucky, then the weapon would be trash. There had never been an instance where diagrams of magic arrays appeared.

Chu Nan calmed himself down and, even though it was his first time seeing these diagrams, he wasn’t too confused. There were detailed explanations written beneath every magic array drawing, clearly indicating how to use them.

Exactly how many magic array diagrams were there in total here? With just a thought, a book with the thickness of a ruler appeared in his mind and the pages were flipped through very quickly. Every page was filled with various magic arrays and many of them were incomplete. There were even some pages that were entirely blank.

But why? Could it be because the Alchemy King’s soul flame was incomplete? Chu Nan knitted his brows and started to think about the best appearance and functionality that should be built into the magic gun.

Soon, several magic array diagrams he had just previously seen surfaced in his mind once again.

From the immediate response, Chu Nan could not help but admire that it was much faster than an internet search engine.

Based on his idea, the material of the gun would be lacking and would be incapable of supporting a large volume of magic. Therefore, it would be best to divide it into three different forms.

The scope in the first form would be for normal usage and the release of magic would not result in any pressure on the gun itself.

On the other hand, the scope in the second form would be for overloaded usage. An example would be overclocking a computer’s CPU so that it could operate faster than usual within a short period. However, that would cause a significant reduction in the gun’s lifespan.

The third form would be self-destruction. If he were to encounter an enemy that he could not defeat, he would simply let the gun exceed its overloaded capacity and use it as a grenade by simply throwing it to the opponent and letting it explode. With the might of the dragon crystal, the opponent would certainly be blasted to smithereens!

The soul flame gently danced in his palms and the melted metal slowly molded into a new form.

A meter long gun with a barrel as wide as a bowl and a gunstock similar to that of an assault rifle’s was formed. One by one, the soul flame carved various magic arrays into the interior of the barrel and if judging by appearance, it would be hard for normal people to tell that it was a magic weapon.

After the last magic array was carved, Chu Nan put away the Alchemy King’s soul flame. The long gun was lighter than what he had expected and there were faint electric currents that flowed through his hands when he held onto it, slightly numbing his hands.

“It’s better than what I expected. Although there are faint electric currents, at least I can still hold it.”

As he said that, he exerted force on a certain part of the gun, resulting in the barrel and the gunstock to immediately open up. He then inserted the frost dragon’s crystal into the gun and soon after, a chill entered his palms and suppressed the faint electric current.

Chu Nan completely disregarded the dripping sweat from his forehead from his mental energy consumption and the slight dizziness as he could not wait to test out his gun. Aiming at a stone the size of a human head not far away, he gently pulled the trigger.

A dazzling light shot out from the magic gun and cold air that could be seen by the naked eye shot out at high speeds. In the blink of an eye, a thin layer of ice covered the stone.

“That’s so cool!” Chu Nan looked at the magic gun he crafted in satisfaction.

His appreciative gaze gradually turned into doubt. Why was the shape of the gun so familiar? There shouldn’t be guns of similar appearance in !

“Sara Jane!” Chu Nan knocked on his head and said, “No wonder it’s so familiar! I subconsciously took inspiration from the transforming techno horse’s weapon in !”

Having a magic gun meant having another life-saving weapon, and Chu Nan’s mood immediately improved. He then shot at another stone that was half the height of a human, turning it into an ice block as he caressed the magic gun in his hands. “Alright, your name will be Sara Jane from now on!”

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