Another World’s Fruit Tycoon - Chapter 46

“I didn’t expect the Bansai Family to have the chance to return to Lan City again after such a long time. Back then, I no longer had any hopes for the Dragon Crystals that I had left with the auction house.” On the way to the Bansai Family’s manor, Zhou Kun had already discovered the matters that happened recently.

“Mr. Cohen, you left abruptly after the last auction, and we couldn’t find you after searching high and low in the entire auction house. Accordingly, the money from the last auction had been kept with us…” Ross Bansai was tactful with his words. Hence, he made it seem like it was Zhou Kun’s fault for not taking away the money.

Actually, Ross Bansai still hadn’t gotten to the bottom of the matter. He had no idea how Zhou Kun managed to leave the auction house in plain sight.

“I had some urgent matters to attend to at the time, so I left midway. Let’s not mention that anymore. I came here today because I want to discuss the auction proceeds with you,” said Zhou Kun who seamlessly switched the subject to the auction proceeds.

Zhou Kun and Ross Bansai were chatting with each other when the owner of the patriarch of the Bansai Family, Cury, received some news from his subordinate regarding the appearance of the mysterious adventurer who had brought the dragon fruit to the auction. Besides, the uproar that arose outside Lan City was caused by that adventurer.

“What? Are you serious? Could it be an impersonator?” asked Cury who was in disbelief after hearing his subordinate’s words.

He could not believe that the mysterious adventurer who had disappeared earlier would come forth to ask for his money right after he had acquired Lan City.

“Ross Bansai has already brought him into the manor. It should be right.”

“Okay, go call Mr. Luther over.” Mr. Luther, whom Cury was referring to was his staff, and he was usually only summoned when Cury was facing a tricky situation.

After his subordinate left, Cury rubbed the middle of his forehead and stared at the luxurious carpet on the ground, seemingly deep in thought.

“Master, were you looking for me?” Luther had already understood the course of events while he was making his way to Cury.

Cury said directly without any preamble, “Luther, what do you think of this matter?”

“Master, since Ross Bansai brought that person here, he definitely isn’t an impersonator.”

“Even if he’s really that adventurer, who arrived previously, we can’t afford to give him such a huge sum of money now. We’re talking about 37,000 Dragon Crystals!” After the Bansai Family escaped the danger and war, they could at most afford about 20,000 Dragon Crystals. Even if they had more, Cury Bansai wouldn’t want to give them away.

“Since he’s already in our manor, we’re in control of the situation. Get Ross to speak to him first. If that person is too insistent, we’ll go all out and make him disappear.”

“However, I heard that there’s a giant dragon beside the adventurer.” Cury was clearly hesitant. After all, the giant dragon’s might was not to be belittled.

“We’re just preparing for the worst, in case he just wants to take away some interest. After all, no one would be foolish enough to single-handedly take on a city with the support of just a giant dragon.”

“I hope so. Go and inform others to be prepared.” Eventually, Cury reached a decision.

Ross Bansai and Zhou Kun were speaking to each other. All of a sudden, they saw the guards waving to him at the door. Clearly, there had already been a result from the report that he had given to his master earlier on.

“Mr. Cohen, I have an urgent matter to attend to here, look… ” Ross Bansai greeted Zhou Kun and headed straight to the room inside where the guard who relayed the message was already waiting.

Ross Bansai was in the midst of communicating messages to the master via the guard, but he did not notice that the furry ears of Naby the little orc were gently trembling.

“Mr. Cohen, these nobles are going to send some people to kill you in a siege. Let’s hurry up and run!” Naby said nervously while pulling Zhou Kun all of a sudden.

“Oh? How did you know?”

“I can hear with my ears,” Naby said while pointing at her furry ears.

Zhou Kun did not expect Naby’s adorable ears to have such a function. As such, he continued to ask, “What else did you hear them say?”

“They said that you’re here to collect debts, but they can’t afford to cough up that much money. If you ask for too much, they…will kill you.”

“Did they mention how much they can afford?”

“I think that person said that they can give you 5000 Dragon Crystals at the most.”

Initially, Zhou Kun never planned to get all his Dragon Crystals back. He knew that he would never get to leave with the entire sum since he did not take the money with him right after the auction.

He had the guts to go to the manor with Ross Bansai previously because he was banking on Anbabu which was lying in his arms. If they could not reach a consensus, he would at most leave on the dragon.

Naby managed to find out their bottom line after eavesdropping. Thus, Zhou Kun would be in control during the negotiation later.

“Naby, you’ve done a great job. Don’t worry, I won’t be in danger,” Zhou Kun comforted the little orc in front of him who was ill at ease. He waited for Ross Bansai to appear.

“Mr. Cohen, sorry to have kept you waiting. Now, let’s talk about the auction proceeds that were collected earlier on.”

Having understood the master’s intention, Ross Bansai did not continue beating around the bush with Zhou Kun. Instead, he cut straight to the point and talked about the proceeds of the auction.

“I am aware that the Bansai Family is at a crucial juncture of recuperation after the war right now. I didn’t come here to make things difficult for you today. Regarding the auction proceeds, I have two points to discuss with you about.”

Ross Bansai was shocked to hear Zhou Kun’s words. He thought, ‘Could it be that we had thought wrongly? Is he not here to force us to pay up?’


“Firstly, I want 5000 Dragon Crystals in cash. I don’t want a stored-value card.”

“Uh, well…”

Zhou Kun ignored Ross Bansai and continued, “In addition, I want two manors.”

“Two manors? That’s a little difficult,” said Ross Bansai who thought that Zhou Kun had set his sights on a large manor like that of the Clauren Family and the Sade Family. Those manors cost at least 10,000 Dragon Crystals each. He could not decide on his own.

“Don’t be so quick to turn me down. I’m not asking for a large manor. I just want two small manors outside the city, which had cooperated with me previously. As long as you can fulfill those two requests, the scores will be settled.”

Ross Bansai beckoned a butler to come forth, and he inquired about it. Indeed, Zhou Kun just wanted a small and shabby manor in a village. The other couldn’t be considered a manor at all.

That made Ross Bansai feel rather relieved. He could agree to that request without even reporting to his master.

The 5000 Dragon Crystals were soon sent to Zhou Kun.

“This settles the outstanding balance of dragon fruit auction proceeds that you owe me previously.” Zhou Kun’s words made Ross Bansai feel rather relieved. He had completed the task that was assigned to him by the patriarch.

“Old friend, can I ask you for a small personal favor now?”

Zhou Kun’s request was very simple. He wanted all the dragon fruit, watermelons, and grapes!

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