Another World’s Fruit Tycoon - Chapter 19

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation

Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Zhou Kun looked at the various things on display in the store that belonged to the church. He was a bit troubled for a while because he couldn’t read the words on the items. They seemed to be in English but unfortunately, Zhou Kun’s English might be worse than that of a three-year-old kid in the other world. 

Fortunately, most of the poor people there were illiterate, so the church would arrange for white-robed staff to patiently explain to customers.

“My father knocked his head into something when he went out to hunt. He’s been unconscious all day. What kind of recovery potion would be better?” Zhou Kun asked using a random excuse. 

“He hurt his head and fell unconscious?” Andy thought, ‘What a poor child. He’s dressed so simply, and the only pillar of support of his family has collapsed. He must be in a tough situation now.’ 

Pastor Andy looked at Zhou Kun with a look of pity and began to introduce patiently, “The cheapest one is Potion No. 7 which costs ten gold coins each. It is effective for treating people who have fallen unconscious, but it may take a longer time for the effects to manifest. There’s also another potion that’s a little more costly. It’s known as Potion No. 11, but its price is a bit higher. Each one costs seven Dragon Crystals.” 

At the thought of Zhou Kun’s predicament, the member of the church, Andy, recommended empathetically, “You can give Potion No. 7 a try first. Although it may not be effective immediately, your father should be able to wake up if you save enough money to buy three bottles.”

“Okay, I want five bottles of Potion No. 11.” 

Zhou Kun originally thought that he would not have sufficient money. He didn’t expect the potions that were considered expensive to be so cheap. Thinking that one might not be effective, he decided to purchase five of them. 

“Okay you want… what!?! You want five bottles of Potion No. 11?”

The member of the church clearly couldn’t recover from the shock.

Five bottles of Potion No. 11 would require 35 Dragon Crystals. 

“Yes, I want five,” Zhou Kun answered firmly. 

Seeing that Zhou Kun had whipped out the Dragon Crystal stored-value card, Pastor Andy felt like he had been worrying for nothing. 

Oh my God!

How can I, a member of the church, have such a terrible idea? It’s a sin! 

Zhou Kun held the five small bottles of potions in his hand and looked at it again, his gaze became warm and intense. 

Can this thing really make Father regain consciousness? 

Zhou Kun, who had achieved this goal, was planning to leave but was attracted by the conversation between the few people behind him.

“Pastor Andy, why are you here today?” 

Actually, the pastors of the church were very personable and grounded. They were impartial to everyone, regardless of the nobles or the poor, and they would treat the residents like their friends. 

“Brad, is your old ailment acting up again? Pastor Bondi is not around today. If you need treatment, you can only purchase the potions concocted by the church.” 

“Where has Pastor Bondi gone to today? He was the one who told me to come at this time.” 

“He was assigned a mission by the church to go out of town to receive the Great Botanical Genie sent by the church.”

“Wow, are we going to have a Great Botanical Genie in Lan City too?” 

The people in the store were flabbergasted after hearing the news. 

“The Great Botanical Genie is so expensive. Why would it be placed in Lan City?” 

“What else could it be for? It’s most likely because of our dragon fruit.” 

“What do you think the Great Botanical Genie looks like?”

“How would I know? Why don’t you ask Pastor? He’s from the church, so he’d definitely know, wouldn’t he?” 

Upon hearing that the residents were all discussing the Great Botanical Genie of the church, Andy was filled with pride. Still, he answered in a normal tone, “I’ve never seen the Great Botanical Genie either. However, I’ve heard some news about it.”

“What news have you heard? Pastor Andy, could you tell us about it?”

Seeing the gazes around him that were full of anticipation, Pastor Andy said slowly, “It is said that the Great Botanical Genies are creatures with the strongest ability to communicate with nature in this world. They can perceive the thoughts of all plants and listen to their needs.”

“I heard that the Great Botanical Genies can communicate with nature and increase the production of plants.” 

“You heard? Where did you hear it from!?! You’d better shut up and listen to Pastor Andy.” The sudden interjection by the person in front obviously caused others to be displeased. 

Realizing that he had interrupted Pastor Andy, the person said apologetically, “I’m sorry, Pastor Andy, please continue.” 

Pastor Andy continued nonchalantly, “However, I heard that the Great Botanical Genie has an eccentric personality that gives everyone a headache. After all, it’s the noblest being in the world of nature. It naturally wouldn’t allow itself to be restricted by humans.” 

“Oh…” The man wanted to interrupt, but the person behind him made him stop. 

“However, since it’s the noblest being, it must be beautiful!” Pastor exclaimed. 

Although Pastor Andy only said a few words, the residents were already very fascinated. 

All of a sudden everyone was discussing the Great Botanical Genie. Seeing that there was no longer any new information, Zhou Kun decided to leave the store.

‘Great Botanical Genie?’

‘Is that a creature that’s unique to this place?’

‘I wonder if it’s like what I imagine it to be. ‘

‘I imagine it to be a beautiful genie with gorgeous wings and sharp, pointed ears.’ 

Zhou Kun put away the five bottles of Potion No. 11 carefully. After all, they were the main reason he was there this time. 

After calculating the time, he reckoned that George’s subordinates should have already delivered the dragon fruit to the designated location. Zhou Kun walked toward the destination outside the city. 

When he arrived at the city gate, he encountered a surprising incident.

“Everyone, listen up, the team that was supposed to receive the Great Botanical Genie has been attacked. The church has requested for aid. Leave a squad of guards behind to guard the city gate. The rest, leave with me!” 

The person who spoke was the city guard of Lan City, Oakley, whom he had met previously. However, Zhou Kun reckoned that he probably didn’t remember him. 

Zhou Kun initially thought that the matter had nothing to do with him, but he soon discovered that he was wrong. 

Just as Zhou Kun was walking toward his destination, he suddenly saw numerous corpses. 

There were some city guards from Lan City, as well as a group of people who were wearing ordinary garments. Obviously there had been a violent fight there previously. 

After seeing the corpses and recalling Oakley’s previous behavior, he could easily guess that it had something to do with the Great Botanical Genie. 

The corpses of two groups of people were lying in the middle of the road, and there were bright-red bloodstains everywhere.

Zhou Kun, who lived in a peaceful era, had never seen such a battle before. He was so frightened that his legs turned into jelly. 

He was hesitating whether to turn around and return to Lan City, but at the thought of the pain that made him feel like he was being ripped apart and the batch of dragon fruit that he had outside the city, Zhou Kun made up his mind to continue walking toward the outside of the city. 

“It’s not real, it’s not real,” Zhou Kun continuously muttered and thought to himself, trying to curb the nausea and preventing himself from looking at the bloody scene in front.

Fortunately, the corpses were concentrated on a section of the road, and soon the road was clean again.

Zhou Kun quickened his pace and wanted to leave that chaotic area as soon as possible. After seeing the dragon fruit that George had delivered, Zhou Kun just wanted to quickly return to his beloved cold storage warehouse.

While Zhou Kun was busy packing up the dragon fruit, he suddenly caught a pair of dark green eyes staring at him in the grass.

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