Ace of the Dragon Division - Chapter 763

Chapter 763: The arrows on the bowstring 

As soon as Muranaka hung up the phone, he immediately asked his subordinates from other places outside to support him.

Not only them, but also from other areas, a massive number of Sanko members headed toward the headquarters.

Kameyo, one of the three leaders, called his subordinates and said, “Block the main gate of the headquarters and forbid anyone from coming in! Especially the members of Hiroshi Shitsuno’s group.”

As soon as the others heard this, they understood that this internal war had escalated.

Hiroshi Shitsuno made his call, and his people approached the headquarters from all directions on a scale of thousands of people.

This was not much different from a mass protest, but the civilians all got out of their way, seeing how they looked with their tattoos.

Less than two kilometers away from the Sanko headquarters, there was a police station.

They received a phone call.

Everyone in the police station was startled.

Every officer was afraid to head out and suppress the situation when they heard that guns were involved and that multiple members had already been killed; it was basically asking for death if they went.

However, the top brass gave them strict orders, and the police department could only grit their teeth as they went.

But they were also very smart, they blocked the road around the Sanko Headquarters and didn’t let anyone enter, so no matter what happened inside, the situation would not be broadcasted by the media.

The police department boss called the three heads directly.

Hiroshi Shitsuno was busy and didn’t pick up.

Muranaka was also unavailable as he was watching Hiroshi Shitsuno’s every move to prevent him from escaping from the headquarters.

When Kameyo’s call went through, the head of the police station scolded, “Idiot! What the hell are you doing? This is Kobe City, and your headquarters is right next door to us. Do you know what your gun fight is causing? Stop it now, or I’ll have to file a police request!”

Kameyo laughed bitterly. “Give us twenty minutes, twenty minutes will be enough. It’s impossible for us to stop now, but I’ll give you a report once it’s over. We didn’t want to start this, and we were very passive in this matter. You can come in twenty minutes, and we will definitely cooperate with you!”

What else could the police department do? They had said it was impossible to stop now, and it would definitely backfire if they tried to intervene now, potentially even causing bigger chaos.

“Good, I will blockade the perimeter of the situation. I hope you solve it as soon as possible.”

Hiroshi Shitsuno’s supporters had rushed over carrying weapons in their hands.

It wasn’t just Hiroshi Shitsuno’s supporters, but also Kameyo’s.

Kameyo’s subordinates directly surrounded the large courtyard and denied Hiroshi Shitsuno’s supporters entry.

“Get out of the way,” the bald man who was third-in-command of Hiroshi Shitsuno’s supporters said angrily at Kameyo’s people.

Someone from the Kameyo group stepped forward and said, “Do you think the chao’s not big enough? We are a family. If you go in, it will only make more chaos. I think we should just let Leader Hiroshi Shitsuno and Leader Muranaka fight off the steam. There’s nothing that cannot be solved with a fight.”

Hiroshi Shitsuno’s supporters snorted, “Do you think we are fools? F*cking guns are involved and I heard that several had died! If you don’t want to escalate the matter, release our leader or else we’ll rush our way in. I’ll give you a minute of time, once the time is up, don’t blame us and the weapons in our hands!”

Meanwhile, in the back gate, Kameyo’s group secretly allowed a group of Muranaka’s supporters to enter the courtyard, and that was discovered by a Hiroshi Shitsuno supporter who was scouting around.

“Hall Master, these guys are playing dirty. They let Muranaka’s supporters in through the back gate so that they can kill Leader Shitsuno and our brothers!”

“Idiot!” Hiroshi Shitsuno’s supporters were instantly furious as they all swung their baseball bats towards the Kameyo supporters blocking the door.

The two sides were ignited and started to fight.

A subordinate of Hiroshi Shitsuno inside screamed, “Oh no Boss, the Kameyo group has turned! I saw them sneaking the Muranaka supporters through the back door. Clearly they’re not here to negotiate peace! They want to take advantage of the situation to get rid of us!”

Hiroshi Shitsuno’s face turned pale. He was already injured and this fight had exhausted more of his energy. He was hiding in the warehouse where it was easier to defend than to attack, waiting for his other members to support him, but he didn’t think that Kameyo would move faster to support Muranaka instead!

“I knew that those two bastards would not let me become the seventh-generation successor this easily, but I did not think that Kameyo would dare to interfere at this time.”

Hiroshi Shitsuno thought he should encourage his supporters first as he said to them, “Brothers, hold on and don’t give up! I’ll remember you all for today. Once I get out, I have someone behind me who can resolve everything, and I will become the successor of Sanko Group. By then, I will not forget what you’ve all done for me today!”

The other two heads also knew that Hiroshi Shitsuno had Mr. Okami behind his back, and since they have shed all pretence of cordiality today, they knew they wouldn’t stand another chance if Hiroshi Shitsuno got out alive today. The next time they see him, he would already become the successor of the Sanko group, and they never doubted the ability of Mr. Okami’s capital power. However, if Hiroshi Shitsuno died here today, then even if Okami got mad about it, he could only accept the fact; after all, Shitsuno was not the only one who could work for him anyways.

Therefore, the most critical thing was whether Hiroshi Shitsuno could get out of this fight alive.

Hiroshi Shitsuno knew that the other two heads would want to kill him first and report to Okami later, or else he would not be able to tolerate the two once he became the successor.

His supporters became more excited when they heard what he promised. High rewards meant more brave men, and now their fighting spirit was higher than ever!

However, more of Muranaka’s supporters had entered, trying to take out Hiroshi Shitsuno as soon as possible!

Otherwise, once Hiroshi Shitsuno’s supporters manage to rush in from the outside, the possibility of Shitsuno’s escape would become greater!

The Kameyo supporters would not be able to hold Hiroshi Shitsuno’s supporters for too long, so they must finish this as soon as possible.

“Boss, they are starting to surround the warehouse. They all have guns!” The subordinate in charge of watching from the window shouted with his head full of sweat.

“They are not planning to let us get out alive.” A flash of panic flashed across Hiroshi Shitsuno’s face.

Any fool would know that there was a fight ongoing outside, and his supporters have been blocked from entering.

There was indeed a massive fight going on outside.

The scene could be said to be the largest case of public violence in the Wei Nation’s recent history. The surrounding police station officers simply couldn’t handle the situation and could only block the traffic to prevent the media from entering. The chief of the police station was covered in sweat as he turned off his phone and stared at his watch, waiting for the twenty minutes to pass by so he could charge in and take over from there.

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