Ace of the Dragon Division - Chapter 266

Chapter 266: Then I Won’t Leave this Town (Part one)

Xu Cheng rushed towards the main street of the black market, and his brain accurately calculated the distance and trajectories of the vehicles that were passing by on the road. He adjusted his speed and suddenly drove out of the narrow alley, rushed through the traffic with perfect timing and then dove into the other side of the main street, However, the several pickup trucks chasing after him weren’t as lucky. A few crashed into the passing traffic, while the others had to stomp on the brakes to avoid causing greater traffic chaos.

“He went southeast!” a guy in the vehicle picked up the mic and shouted.

“He killed our brothers. This man must die! Notify the other families, lock this whole city down tonight! Tell them that our Sonora Family will compensate the other families for the lost business from this lockdown, but at the same time, we also hope they don’t help that person, unless they want to become our enemies as well!”

Xu Cheng drove as he fully concentrated on his senses, looking on with his penetrating vision while outputting ultrasonic waves in all directions. Within three kilometers in all directions, all movements of large objects were sensed by him. Xu Cheng controlled the steering wheel with one hand, while lighting up a cigarette with another. He took a smoke to ease the tension, and the feeling of his blood boiling and excitement once again filled up his whole body.

Shortly after, Bei Shan directly charged out from another alley and shouted at him, “They locked down the city, get into my car!”

Xu Cheng shouted, “Can’t, I’m already exposed, so it wouldn’t help if I get into a different car. Don’t worry about me, I will play with them and show them what’s a true city hunter. Oh right, do you know who’s the boss behind the Sonora Family?”

Bei Shan was shocked. “What are you going to do?”

Xu Cheng: “Send his picture to my phone.”

He then turned the car around, not planning to leave the city anymore.

Bei Shan became anxious. He sped up to catch up to him. “Don’t play with death, let’s just let those artifacts go. The Sonora Family has over hundreds of armed people, it’s impossible for you to go against them! Besides, these outlaws also excels at using network and technology. They aren’t just the simple barbaric type, and wherever you go, you are under their surveillance as long as you are in this city. This is also a reason why the people here don’t dare to cause trouble after entering the city.” 

“Are you dumb? I already killed 8 people, you think I can still get out of the city even if I hand over the artifacts? Right now, it’s not me wanting to suicide, it’s them trying to kill me. This isn’t about the money, I have my principles. I was already used to being bullied when I was young, so I told myself that after I grew up, if I get bullied again, I will make them repay 10 times over. Hurry up and get away from me, don’t let them suspect that you are with me.”

Bei Shan shouted, “I’m f-cking ordering you as your superior!”

Xu Cheng: “Sorry, but this isn’t a mission, you have no right to give me orders.”

Then, Xu Cheng took another sharp turn into an alley, ready to retaliate. He drove to some abandoned houses, stopped the car, and ran into the group of old houses with the bag on his back.

Right after he got out of the car, he could hear a dense wave of bullets raining onto his pickup truck.

At least 4 or so armed vehicles drove into the yard. These guys were like sharks that smelled blood. They shouted as they chased over, muttering a language that Xu Cheng didn’t understand.

Xu Cheng was running in between two abandoned houses, but for some reason, he was able to suddenly jump onto the second floor with a light leap. If it was on the first floor, he could at most shoot at two or three people that were chasing in the front, but it was a different story once he gained the high ground. That vision could allow him to hit a lot of people. He turned around, and under the cover of the dark night, he raised his rifle and sprayed.

Chapter 266: Then I Won’t Leave this Town (Part two)


Many people’s chests were blown up by the chaotic bullet rain, and the first eight people that chased right after Xu Cheng immediately fell to the ground as their body twitched. The people that came later immediately aimed at the direction of the bullets and sprayed and prayed.

Xu Cheng quickly got behind a wall. He took out the diamond brawler’s gloves from the bag and put it onto his hands.

After those mad men spraying crazily noticed that there were no longer any movements over there, they looked at the 8 of their comrades who were dead on the ground, and the remaining 20 or so people all rushed upstairs.

Xu Cheng smashed open the back wall on the second floor and jumped down from there. When he landed, he noticed the two people, who were guarding the cars, immediately taking aim at him. Xu Cheng was faster by a millisecond as he took aim with his pistol and headshotted the two of them. Then, he jumped onto one of the armed pickup trucks. The gunshots startled those that charged upstairs. When they saw no one upstairs but the big hole in the wall, they realized that their target had already escaped.

“F-ck! He got away!”

The others heard that and immediately turned around and ran down stairs.

Two people poked their head out of the wall trying to catch a sight of Xu Cheng after he jumped off, but when their heads poked out of the wall, Xu Cheng was already ready with the gatling gun stationed on the pickup truck and began spraying.

The bullets immediately exploded those two people’s heads.

Xu Cheng satisfyingly smoked his cigarette. At this time, the cigarette only has a butt left. After casually taking the butt out and throwing it onto the ground, he nonchalantly watched as the 20 or so people come out of the abandoned houses. However, they didn’t expect at all that Xu Cheng had already gotten control of their pickup truck and was on a gatling gun right now. When their eyes met, Xu Cheng faintly smiled.

At the next moment, the 20 or so people’s faces drastically changed as the gatling gun roared mercilessly.

Where the bullets flew past, there were flesh and blood flying in the air. Just like paper targets, more than a dozen or so people were instantly killed. Only 2 were left, and that was only because they had slightly faster reflexes and hid behind a wall. They were both shot in the leg or arm, and they sweated and panted nervously.

Xu Cheng lit up another cigarette for himself, and then he jumped off of the car and closed in on them with his rifle. Since he started this already, he wouldn’t leave any survivors.

The two of them felt Xu Cheng getting closer, and one person immediately took out his phone to call the base. Beside him, his comrade tried to cover for him to buy him time, wanting to directly get out of cover to fight Xu Cheng.

However, with the penetrating vision on, Xu Cheng obviously knew what they were up to.

The moment a guy popped his head out, a bullet immediately passed through it as his body fell to the ground, his eyes left open as they stared lifelessly at the comrade that was trying to make the call. It scared that guy to drop his phone, exposing it in front of Xu Cheng.

The remaining survivor of the Sonora Family swallowed his spittle and pressed his body tightly against the wall, feeling that his heartbeat was about to stop. He didn’t know whether he should go and pick up that phone. Just when he was struggling with his thoughts, Xu Cheng quietly pressed the gun against his head.

He pulled the trigger.


The guy fell to the ground.

At that moment, the call went through, and someone said a bunch of things that Xu Cheng couldn’t understand. Xu Cheng reached down, grabbed the phone, and said, “You don’t want me to leave this city? Then I won’t. Let’s have some fun, just don’t disappoint me.”

Then, he crushed the cellphone with his hand.

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