A Different Husband Every Day - Chapter 16

Translator: Yunyi

Editor: Yunyi

Li Weiyin would never forget an incident that happened when she was 8-years-old. That day, the playful Li Weixin ran away from her nanny and accidentally fell into a fountain.

At that time, Li Weiyin happened to walk past the fountain and her mind was elsewhere so she didn’t notice. But, Li Weixin saw her and thought she was watching her die without saving her.

So, after she was saved and she woke up in the hospital, the first thing she said was that her sister pushed her into the fountain.

At just 5-years-old, no one suspected that Li Weixin was lying. So, Fang Meixian grabbed a feather duster and hit Li Weiyin fiercely. She hit Li Weiyin until she broke 3 dusters and her body felt numb, but she still refused to admit to any wrongdoing.

At that time, Fang Meixian asked, “Your sister’s only 5, would she frame you?”

But, Li Weiyin was only 8. If a 5-year-old couldn’t frame someone, would an 8-year-old lie and deny responsibility?

In her parents’ eyes, Li Weixin was innocent, kind, and beautiful, while the 8-year-old Li Weiyin was ruthless and cruel enough to hurt a 5-year-old.

Later, when Li Jinzong returned home, Li Weiyin cried and told him that she never pushed Li Weixin. But, even though Li Jinzong told her he believed her, he turned around and told Li Weixin her sister didn’t do it on purpose when he went to comfort her and even told her to forgive Li Weiyin.

Only God knew how hurt she was when she heard these words.

Perhaps, that was when she closed off her heart to her parents and stopped relying on them and trusting them.

After she left the hospital, Li Weiyin’s stomach started grumbling. She visited the nearest cake store, grabbed a bottle of milk and some toast, and joined the queue for the cashier in a daze. That was when she noticed the tall, strong figure in front of her.

But, the white pants, the black shirt, and the back view of this person…

It felt oddly familiar…

Li Weiyin remembered the man from the previous night. She wanted to see the man’s face, but it was his turn at the cashier so he stepped forward. Just as he put down his items on the cashier’s desk, the cashier’s eyes glowed and she asked, “Are you that celebrity…?”

Before she finished speaking, the man put down a 100 yuan note, grabbed his bread and left. The cashier wanted to chase after him, but she noticed there was a long queue, so she retreated and called one of the store assistants to help look for the man.

As Li Weiyin waited to pay, she glanced towards the direction that the man ran.

Celebrities wouldn’t buy stuff on their own, right? Didn’t they have bodyguards and assistants at their disposal?

Also, why was he so flustered? Was he, perhaps, caught stealing the previous day?

But, that wasn’t right. He was wearing branded clothing from head-to-toe. No matter how she looked at it, he didn’t look like a thief.

Li Weiyin’s original intention was to eat inside the shop, but for some reason, she ended up holding onto her food and walking towards the direction that the man disappeared.

She walked into a quiet park where there was no one around and didn’t see the man either.

So, Li Weiyin decided to find a seat to sit and eat. But, just as she walked past a flower bed, she heard an innocent voice.

“Big brother, that’s not how you eat bread. Should I teach you?”

Li Weiyin stretched her neck and saw the man she was looking for. It was indeed him: the man with the exceptionally handsome face. He was squatting beside the flower bed in his black shirt and white pants, holding a piece of bread that had two bites in it.

With a blank expression, he looked at the 5/6-year-old in front of him.

The child stared at the bread in the man’s hand and swallowed his saliva.

“How am I supposed to eat it then?” To Li Weiyin’s surprise, the man handed his bread to the child.

The child grabbed the bread and devoured it in big bites. In just 4-5 bites, the entire bread was gone.

After he finished, he wiped his mouth and looked at the man with his big innocent eyes, “Did you learn it? If not, buy another one and I’ll teach you again.”

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