[Jung Haim] The ugly became a princess

At this point, the ugly girl glorified the princess.

To receive the attention of family members who despise themselves

Bringing up and down,

As a result, people ignore and laugh at one body

Silvia Atlantero, who was called the “ugly princess”.

To die, to drink poison himself and die

Silvia’s body,

I didn’t want to live like her.

“I have a lot of money and my body is healthy,

What do you need to care for others?

Stop living my life, my way! ”

I just went silently on my way …

“But you’re my brother and a member of Atlante.”

The family is a little weird.

“I am interested in you, not your brother.”

“You must take responsibility for this to the end.

That’s the contractor’s job. ”

“I, Tev Hiddleton, became the sword of Silvia Atlante.

I swear to devote everything for her. ”

“I won’t bother.

So please stay with me. ”

“There is nothing I cannot find in this world.

So don’t think about running away from me. ”

I thought I would never be bound

The handsome guys are also twisted nearby,

Why is everyone doing this all of a sudden?

It’s too different from Sylvia’s memory, right?

I want to live quietly ?!


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